Unicorn for a Friend

To this universe's many realms,
To the foreign touch of a smile,
A caged bird to be let out free,
Fun in land and wild in flight,
The basic needs have been met,
Survivability scale beyond contest,
Or should I say: adorability scale?
Memoirs of the hunting balloons:
Printed battle scars in my head,
And of the shoo cute little dog:
Its name, a fruit, a watermelon,
"Watermelon" and those eyes
Would never betray your instincts
To pick it up for plentiful hugs,
The owner did a good job
At advertising it in our chat,
Demolishing my love for my cat,
A sacrifice needed to please
A ten years younger being,
A descendent of unicorns,
Unique species with long horns,
An animal I would like to hunt,
And here comes a balloon
From her arms to hit my head,
The colourful time with this dear
Was in a semester, not even a year.

Thursday, 14th of May 2015


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