With Love, Bedroom Window

You see into my heart every evening,
And I try to get closer,
To show my feeling for you,
To be transparent,
To be the only thing that your eyes
Looks at when you enter my room,
Do you know how many times
Have you touched me?
I do for I feel closer now than ever,
And now I have the courage to
Write this letter for our hearts to merge,
But I do hesitate,
For a valid reason,
Remember when I said that
You see into my heart?
I fear that you’re actually daydreaming,
Not appreciating my existence,
Instead, you gaze into the beautiful
Moon and think of someone else,
But I write this confession,
A piece of my heart on paper
For yours to know, accept, and return.

With Love,
Bedroom Window

Thursday, 18th of June 2015


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