Dear River

What is your name? We call you River,
But I know that my mother called me,
So what did yours call you as a kid?
What do you call this land you live on?
Wait a minute! How old are you?
You must be ancient, oh if that’s so,
Then who have we inherited this
Brilliant view? So fresh, so beautiful,
Who came before them? You know
The history more than anyone, yeah?
Have you written it down? Do you
Write anything? Do you have an
Archive about everything? Do you
Converse with the land? With the
Swans or the fishes? Have you tried
To reach to us? Send us a message?
To one of us? If you have, what did
You say? Have you hidden anything
Within your surreal waters? Do you
Have a secret? Because I know I have!

Friday, 12th of June 2015


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