
I could not stop myself from noticing,
An elegant figure resembling a human,
Standing on a dock all alone focussing,
Onto a hostile place not fit for a man.

As ripples disturb the glows of the sea,
Neon illuminates the waves of his hair,
As I walk into flowers I stop at this tree,
Until the man turns and meets my stare.

Although this night awaits a full moon,
The gentleman invites me with a smile,
She sat with us then she left, so soon?!
I can recall us walking down the aisle.

“Farewell, old elegant figure of a man,
Farewell to take my sacred vows to her,
Farewell and hold on tight to Al-Qur’an,
Farewell only to return clearing the blur”.

Monday, 12th of August 2013


L.A said…
Wonderful. . Simply said
Bu Thyab said…
Thanks a lot :D

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