Gone to Return

Deep within my pulsating crimson restful flesh,
I mourned the day I lost track of a dear entity,
Differences poisoning the mind with a shut gob,
But a believer of the One, the Most Merciful,
Not a close relative but a very precious brother,
Emotionless did he become as if a soulless object,
Crucial thoughts wonder in the middle of nowhere,
Mirage oases to follow ignoring the nutritious forest,
Diving into confusions of the chaotic black abyss,
Soon to forget the hanging rope and my existence,
Returning to Earth under the seven heavens above,
With a greeting from the unsolved puzzled face,
Writing within my pulsating crimson restful flesh.

Sunday, 2nd of May 2010


MIB said…
Tabarak Er7maan, this is amazing, as usual; is it describing someone who has gone astray?

I gave your blog's link to my professor, and he's favorited it, lol. He was also going to use mine to prove that Emaratis can write, and was shocked to find out I'm not one. So, he'll be using yours instead, showing it to students and most probably faculty alike. =D

Really hope your talent gains recognition ASAP - Well done!;)
MIB said…
*Can write in English, that is...because the misconception that most can't structure their sentences properly, let alone write poems/stories/pieces in English..is VERY common.

(As unfortunately proven to be TRUE by most ADU students AND graduates. Then again, they can't be blamed; they're thrown into a whirlwind of English, having acquired their education in Arabic!=.=)
Bu Thyab said…
Send my greetings to your professor, and if he wishes to comment, I would be honoured!

I am currently working on establishing an Islamic literary magazine, monthly-issued last Friday of each month, and is based in our university. It is called 'Al Naseehah' as in 'النصيحة'. Hopefully, it will work out pretty well, though, it would be impossible if I did not have any support. Thus, currently I am working on advertisement.

As for this poem, I wrote about a very dear brother who became a practicing Muslim. After some time he got interested in an Islamic online forum, which made him think a bit differently:
"Mirage oases to follow ignoring the nutritious forest,
Diving into confusions of the chaotic black abyss,"

After that I lost contact with him, and I did not have any clue of where might he be:
"Soon to forget the hanging rope and my existence,"

But a week ago, he added me in facebook:
"Returning to Earth under the seven heavens above,
With a greeting..."

and that's it =)
MIB said…
Rabbi ywaffgk; it's work like this that would 'make' your world, and be useful fl A5irah. Allah yjzeek kil 5ayr fd dnya wl A5irah for your efforts; f meezan 7sanatek, Inshalla.

May Allah Bless us all with the opportunity to spread His Word, as he has blessed you; Ameen.=)
Bu Thyab said…
el jmee3 en sha Allah

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