Made to Trade?

A learned speaker once told me to be direct,
I would assume he was a professor of shade,
Painting my quality through an iron object,
Or pottery of poetry within castles to be made,
So I did, hidden symbolic letters to resurrect,
Whilst my deep secret passions I so forbade,
Strangers of unknown origins eyes to suspect,
For the innocence of one’s self has decayed,
Apart from that I wrote outdoors to recollect,
Earth Whisperers hinting for a danger to evade,
For a direct poem I needed a subject to select,
Here, a couple of shiny dirhams for us to trade.

Thursday, 15th of September 2011


MIB said…
This is beyond have suuuurelyy left me behind in poetry..I'm absolutely STUNNED by every post I read!:o (Y)

So, when are you getting your work published, ya sha3r?
Bu Thyab said…
hehehe... thnx for your kind words :)

en sha Allah, some day I shall get them published. I didn't expect it, but a lot of people have been encouraging me to publish it.

First, i'll need to find a publisher :P

any ideas?

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