
Arr Arr Arr in the dark black night,
Swinging swords at the foe left and right,
Boarding ships taking loot and their cannon,
Sending gifts, fresh fruits, with a blasting wagon,
Mwa-ha-haa and we found that map,
Docked on the coast then we take a nap,
Bells at dawn ring ring ring ring,
Look for gold and hear us sing,
Let us walk and take our axe,
Pick those pearls and the chests on your backs,
Hell erupted on the mount,
Leaving the island gems to count,
In our cabins smelling our gold,
This is the story the witch foretold,
She has a hair like that of a snake,
Shelves of potions and a toxic cake,
In the centre a giant pot,
Eyes so big and a greenish snot,
Mixed so well that you can smell,
And that is one of many a spell.
Arr Arr Arr in the ocean storm,
Captain stands and starts to inform,
Grabbing gear and fixing holes,
Few do drown so blessed their souls,
Ancient ruins under the sea,
Holes in skulls you have to see,
Skeletons are lying around,
Majestic ship with a staff and a crown,
Deep we dive and deep we go,
Forlorn stories we may not know,
And so we search for coins to seize,
Except we found a room full of cheese,
Cheddar, camembert and Danish blue,
Royal tastes we have to accrue,
Back to our ship to see them fight,
Until we saw their flag was white,
And so the marines lost so bad,
Tying the chief turned him mad,
What a waste of such warriors,
We, pirates, are superiors,
Now we have time in our hand,
Let us sail in seas so grand,
We need supplies and we need to rest,
Inn of the coast our option’s best,
Two starry nights for fifty bucks,
Morning tea with toast and ducks,
Noble men is who we are,
Shining like the polar star,
Arr Arr Arr in lush prairies!
Stumbling upon some faeries!
This tale no one will believe,
Except the fat nerds so naive,
I cannot tell what we knew,
What we did or what she drew,
Or how many years I have left,
Or of bad kings who have theft,
It took weeks to get ashore,
One more village to adore,
They did misunderstand us,
Closing doors making a fuss,
“We’re just here to have a bite”
“and a place to sleep alright?”
But then got betrayed so hard,
Flanking us with royal’s guard,
Thus we go back through the yard,
Reaching the ship to bombard,
Escaping is what we sought,
We could have won if we fought,
But kindness is what we are,
Our reputation we cannot scar,
Captain asking what became of us,
As we’re eating a charlotte russe,
He glared at us like a snake,
Whipping us for taking a break,
We, the pirates, are working hard,
Until it’s night to deal the card,
Then I dream an awful dream:
Darkness invading as we scream,
Silence comes and silence goes,
Asking questions but nobody knows,
Main-mast cracking like a twig,
Sky is full of clouds so big,
Shadows lurking around this ship,
Harpoons are given for us to grip,
Suddenly that thing just shows
Fangs and claws but then it froze,
Thunder appears in the middle of the deck,
We are floating on woods of the wreck,
Then I woke up with a pain,
In the chest and in the brain,
So I tell them what I saw,
We have to go back this is the law,
So we turn left just in case,
Waiting something big to face,
Lake of the Dragon, moon for a guide,
Mythical creatures, nowhere to hide,
Shark-like wolf-like hisses like a snake,
Yellow eyes massive thighs tails to shake,
Monsters gathering around us all,
Will never let us go until we fall,
Legendary battles we strongly fought,
Houses villages and towns we bought,
Pirates in the seven seas going all feral,
Our crew in the lead daring any peril.

Saturday, 2nd of March 2013


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