The Days of Heroes
We heard of heroes living on the edges of the world,
We saw pictures of men with swords carving history,
We dreamt of going to them and giving them a hand,
We prayed for their triumph, safety and eternal bliss.
The days of heroes have been replaced by celebrities,
The men have no longer existed since ancient times,
And what we see today are all but tails of rotten rats,
Living in the sewers grabbing bites of infamous masks.
We await the era when we see our men resurrected,
They are drawing near from afar with sky’s guidance,
Heroes crowned from the twigs of this Ancient Forest,
Whispering eternal calligraphies more men to resurrect.
Sunday, 3rd
of Ramadan 1433, 22nd of
July 2012
Very creative and admired it.
Raudha's Friend.
ps.Great comments in AbdulAziz's Blog
And Ramadan mubarak to you and your family, too!!