Forever Exposed

And they say: “we are curing terrorism”
By bombing civilians,
Spreading world peace,
While treaties are buried and
Voices of freedom heard.
Voices of freedom heard
While treaties are buried and
Spreading world peace
By bombing civilians,
And they say: “we are curing terrorism”.

And they say: “freedom is our tool”,
Captivated innocent souls
Against their will
Achieving claimed peace
In this deceitful world.
In this deceitful world
Achieving claimed peace
Against their will
Captivated innocent souls,
And they say: “freedom is our tool”.

And they say: “do not oppress women”,
In the name of decency
Discover your true soul
Or wear your veil to
Seek true oppression.
Seek true oppression
Or wear your veil to
Discover your true soul
In the name of decency,
And they say: “do not oppress women”.

And they say: “have a girlfriend”,
Life is short; a day or less,
So live your true life,
Tomorrow is unknown,
This is open-mindedness.
This is open-mindedness:
Tomorrow is unknown,
So live your true life,
Life is short; a day or less,
And they say: “have a girlfriend”.

And I say: “I am a proud Muslim”
Of peaceful words and actions
Teaching the illiterate
Preaching about true freedom and
Without world destruction.
Without world destruction
Preaching about true freedom and
Teaching the illiterate
Of peaceful words and actions,
And I say: “I am a proud Muslim”.

Tuesday, 24th of April 2012


Anonymous said…
Again beautifully written, I love how you intelligently blend such important matters into your writings, you just clarified a whole religion that's been greatly misunderstood and tackled a horrible political foreign policy that's tragic and injustice.

Bu Thyab said…
Well, this idea of "and they say" and "and I say" kept in my mind for few days but without clear idea of how to put it, and then it struck me: why don't i write it in a mirror-like, where the exact same words are thrown back challenging the ideas and concepts.

once again, thank you for your kind words
... said…
Your poetry is amazing. Beyond amazing if I must say. They way your stanza's reflect and give two different meanings is profound. Also, the way your poetry has true meaning, it's a piece of art people can relate to.
Absolute genius mashAllah 3laik.

Raudha's friend.
Bu Thyab said…
Yzach Allah khair for these kind words. You have said more than what it is.

I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for passing by

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