A Leaf

Once upon
An autumn leaf
Dry and brown
A story told
Through the dance
Left and right
Kissed the ground
Stroked the sand
A tongue to speak
Language of
Sad and fear
I can hear
Loud and clear.

And I am once
Born to preach
Language of
Peace and love
Draw and paint
A thousand words
Feel my lips
Move apart
Hear my heart
Cry for just
But sure you know
The world you're in
Is but a show
That has an end
A happy one.

So hear me say
One more time
A story told
A thousand words
Be sincere
And you will be
A charming leaf
Red and green
Full of life
Peace and love
Once upon
A Saturday.

Saturday, 24th of July 2010


MIB said…
All my comments are..more or less..the same everytime, because your poems are always wonderfully written, & most importantly, they are all SO meaningful, Mashalla!

Keep it up, bro - awaiting your next one!
Bu Thyab said…
yzach Allah kel khair, and Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family!!
MIB said…
wiyak bro, May you and your family find yourselves closer to Allah, and may you all be granted Jannatl Firdous in Reward for your sincerity and 3ibadah; Ameen.
mashalla well written, once upon a saturday! :D
Magnifique said…
Lovely & inspiring masha Allah!
Good job bro. *thumbs up*
Bu Thyab said…
Bushra: thanks a lot for passing by and i'm glad that you liked this poem

Magnifique: thanks heaps, it was a beautiful Saturday morning, which inspired me to write this delicate poem, which i enjoy reading, too!


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