This Ruby Flesh

This piece of dancing ruby flesh in my vast chest,
Is restrained in an empty 'rest in blackness' cage,
No light can penetrate those enormous white guards,
No dark can escape this inevitable gloomy prison,
Once cherished; now this treasure is to be concealed.

Emotions rush into its deepest caves… dreams shatter.

There, negativity heaves me into fragile crumbles,
There, optimism ignores my pathetic pity presence,
Persisting due to that arrogant chief executive officer,
White and crimson, the means of hierarchy and command,
This electric rollercoaster, from the flesh; isolation in process.

Emotions rush into its furthest bounds… dreams develop.

Lightness blossoms within the limits of endless dreams,
Growing exponentially dispersing every bit of shade,
And within it do children of life battle this ageing war,
Reviving nothing but a dancing piece of ruby flesh,
Idolised in a throne, in my vast 'rest in brightness' cage.

Written on the 23rd of June 2009
Modified until the 27th of June 2009


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