
This body I am carrying is tired,
A disease has affected my mind,
It is this that changed my approach,
What would I utter but sick words?!
Producing such awful consequences.

This body I am carrying is tired.

I wished from before as I do now,
My expressions would not be altered,
Yet, if you have heard me the other day,
Is that a person talking or a crazy fellow?
Patience has its effects, patience that I lacked.

A disease has affected my mind.

Before such an incident happened,
Missing each other after a long year,
An utmost joy, soon to be concealed,
Behind the bars of loss and mistakes,
No feelings, if such a phrase exists.

It is this that changed my approach.

A conversation I had with a friend,
Wanting to do the same with another,
Shouldn't this be easier than before?
Or does my mouth have a different taste?
Misused taste producing dreadful smell!

What would I utter but sick words?!

Speaking of morals, principles and ideals,
Soon to be refuted by self-contradictions,
Or were they used for the sake of argument,
Or the mind has come back to its senses,
It was about a person, and a person I very dear.

Producing such awful consequences.


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