
Showing posts from July, 2014

Trials and Tribulations

I pondered upon the other gender, Their mind: different than ours, And their heart: different too! Yet, when listening about the best: Asya, Maryam, Aisha, and Fatema, We are told more than differences, Letters from Qur’an and Sunnah Unite to produce peaceful articles About worshipping Allah alone Without any associates producing Inner peace and total tranquillity. Today, however, I have seen many Copy the great appearances that The best of women wore like the Niqab, and yet, their inner pearl Darkened and produced wild Storms full of electrostatic forces That will always affect the others In numerous social gatherings; Unfortunately, those have not Yet understood Islam in its full And simple message that the Prophet Mohammad, Peace, Blessings, and Prayers be upon Him, preached day and night. “And we have not sent you But a mercy to all mankind”. And I say this one more time, Islam is what we have received From the Qur’...