
Showing posts from December, 2008

Bu Thyab it is!!

Welcome to my blog! This is not my first time publishing my writings, ideas, and thoughts in an online platform; however, this time it is going to be solely about poetry. It is time to introduce myself. I am just a young man from the lands of Arabia living in a place called Dubai, and currently, I am studying abroad. I write in both Arabic and English, and as for 'BuThyab' it is just a pen name that I used back in the days, and so it stayed until today. My journey in poetry began in year 7 (12 years old), which consisted of rhythmic but meaningless lines to form a poem. Year 7 was the first turning point as I changed schools with completely different systems - from an American system school to a more intricate and participative British system. The result was the love of reading and consequently the expansion of English vocabulary. The next turning point was in year 10-11 as we critically analysed copious poems in English GCSE classes. The last and most effective turning poi...